Staying Afloat: How Startups Can Overcome Financial Hurdles and Thrive
The startup ecosystem thrives on innovation, agility, and the relentless pursuit of growth. However, navigating a startup through difficult times can be exceptionally challenging. With the current economic climate marked by macroeconomic uncertainties, stringent fundraising conditions, and lower valuations, many startups are facing short runways and insufficient metrics to attract new funding rounds. Are you a founder in a similar situation? This article explores practical strategies that can help increase your runway and keep your startup afloat during these turbulent times.
Managing Risk in a Startup: A CFO's Perspective
Starting a new business is an exciting venture, but it is also full of risks. Entrepreneurs often have to deal with unexpected challenges and navigate complex environments, financial constraints, and market uncertainties. Managing these risks is a crucial part of running a successful startup. The role of a chief financial officer (CFO) of a startup is to help identify, evaluate, and manage these risks effectively. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common risks that startups face and how CFOs can help mitigate them.
The CFO value in times of recession
Many startups experienced difficulties in raising follow-on investments. In addition, the economic downturn resulted in slower sales cycles and difficulties to accomplish sales and profitability targets. In such an environment, even the best performers should focus on their financials to ensure they have a clear strategy towards improved cash management, higher efficiency and sustainability.
Finance for SaaS companies: 3+1 most common missteps and their solutions
You think managing a SaaS company is a challenging endeavor? Well, managing the financials of a SaaS business is even more challenging.
Multiple business specifics complicate financial management and reporting of a SaaS venture. Yet, it is exactly financial management that often makes the difference between a successful business, attracting investments and a failing venture, burning cash on unsustainable actions.
Дисциплина на паричния поток за оцеляване в COVID-19 криза
COVID-19 пандемията създаде предпоставки все повече организации да изпитват значителни оперативни, финансови и ликвидни предизвикателства. Въпреки очакванията, че пандемията ще приключи в даден момент и светът отново ще се върне към „нормалното“, все още остава загадка, колко точно време ще отнеме това.
7 основно причини за неуспешен старт на бизнес
Когато стартирате малък бизнес, търсите начин, да се възползвате от всяка предоставена възможност, за да успеете. В голям процент от случаите предприемачи с добри бизнес идеи не успяват да постигнат успех, заради трудностите, които срещат при изпълнение на множеството ежедневни управленски задачи.
6 стъпки за успешно бизнес планиране и бюджетиране през 2021
Настоящата безпрецедентна здравна и икономическа криза поставя много компании пред предизвикателството да изготвят разумни прогнози за своя бизнес през следващата 2021 година.
В същото време, процесът на планиране, особено в условия на криза, е от ключово значение и има определяща роля за оцеляването на организацията.