Sustainable packaging solutions
over €1.35 million to date
Recipient of the European Innovation Council grant for innovation, Seal of Excellence for innovation by EIC Open Call 2020. Expected serial manufacturing start in 2023. Currently has 500 clients in the pipeline.
La’mon is a company, developing biodegradable, suitable for compost laminating film and packaging foil. Its mission is to reduce the toxic plastic packaging waste, ending up in the ocean, soil and landfills by replacing plastic with recyclable packaging components, aiming to save 33,000 tons of CO2 by 2028.
The team of CFO Insights worked with La’mon upon the receipt of the EIC grant to structure the financial function in the company, including all key processes in terms of strategic growth plans, budgeting, controlling, management reporting, and accounting. More specifically:
- Prepare budget with scenario analysis, representing various manufacturing plans with analysis on cash flow requirements, key milestones for the company, KPIs per department, sustainability and break-even goals, working capital needs and strategy implications.
- Test budget assumptions and incorporate variables in terms of sales development, manufacturing capacity, inventory planning and team growth to prepare the company for timely measures and analysis depending on actual results.
- Analysis and advice on funding opportunities for future development
- Organize current processes of data collection, data inputs, data analysis to ensure sound reporting information.
- Review accounting policies and design the process to integrate management reporting and accounting to secure reliable data sources for the reports, matching officially submitted accounting reports.
- Implement monthly management reporting process, including Profit and loss, Cash flows and Balance sheet, incorporating regular analysis of deviations between actual data and budget, trends, monitoring of KPIs on a company level.
- Monthly CFO monitoring and insights discussed with the management.